Thursday, October 31, 2013

vocab # 10 definitions and sentences

  1. Bemoan(v)- to complain about
  2. Pensive (n)- deep in thought
  3. Devoid (a) - entirely without
  4. Melancholy (a) - sad / emo
  5. Mollify (v)- to calm
  6. Memento (n)- a keepsake or souvenir
  7. illicit (a) - illegal 
  8. Ascend (v) - to climb / to go up
  1. I hate when little kids bemoan about little things
  2. So many students in class they go pensive about something.
  3. It'll suck devoid your things.
  4. Students get so melancholy when they don't have what they want.
  5. People need to mollify.
  6. Most of the girls memento their teddy bear that her boyfriends gave them.
  7. Drugs should be illicit.
  8. I would like to ascend a building.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

vocab # 9 definition and sentences

  1. Savory (A) - delicious
  2. Entice (V) -to tempt
  3. Tactless (A) (ADV) -insensitive
  4. Integrity (N) - self-worth / self respect
  5. Compensate (V) - to pay for services
  6. Aloof (A) (ADV) - disinterested / spaced out
  7. Goad (V) - to taunt
  8. Cohort (N) - friend
  1. Chocolate cake is savory.
  2. Sometimes I entice on doing something cool.
  3. The tactless guy asked the girl if she was pregnant and it end up that she wasn't.
  4. I have integrity on myself. 
  5. Everyone compensate on working.
  6. Sometimes I get aloof in class
  7. Some people do cool goad.
  8. My cohort are so funny.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Vocab # 8 Definitions and Sentences

  1. Malignant (A) - Harmful
  2. Ornery (A) - Irritable / Cranky
  3. Indolent (ADV) - Lazy
  4. Belittle (V) - To insult or put down
  5. Jeopardize (V) - To put in danger
  6. Demise (N) - Downfall or death
  7. Awry (N) - Not according to plan
  8. Frugal (A) - cheap
  1. Nothing is more malignant than going to war.
  2. Teachers get ornery when students don't want to listen.
  3. Some people are so indolent when they been told to run.
  4. Bullies, all they so is belittle smaller kids than them.
  5. If you do something risky,  you put yourself in jeopardize.
  6. I will never want to have my demise never.
  7. Some people do stuffs that is awry get in trouble. 
  8. People want frugal electronics , but get worse if they buy it for a frugal price.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

vocab # 7 defintions and sentences

  1. inhibit (v) - to slow or stop something from happening.
  2.  Aberrant (a) - usual / unexpected
  3. Loathe (v) - to hate
  4. Prowess (n) -  exceptional skill or ability 
  5. Incoherent (a) - unable to be understood
  6. epitah (n)- headstone or whaft written there
  7. elaborate (a) - having many details or steps
  8. countenance(n)- face
  1. Sometimes we have to inhibit bad stuffs.
  2. There is always something coming aberrent.
  3. I loathe when chargers lose in a game.
  4. Rivers qb in chargers has prowess in throwing.
  5. Some people are hard to incoherent.
  6. In Halloween i'm expecting to see epitah everywhere.
  7. Notes is elaborate.
  8. I see countenance everywhere and easy to recognize.