- Bemoan(v)- to complain about
- Pensive (n)- deep in thought
- Devoid (a) - entirely without
- Melancholy (a) - sad / emo
- Mollify (v)- to calm
- Memento (n)- a keepsake or souvenir
- illicit (a) - illegal
- Ascend (v) - to climb / to go up
- I hate when little kids bemoan about little things
- So many students in class they go pensive about something.
- It'll suck devoid your things.
- Students get so melancholy when they don't have what they want.
- People need to mollify.
- Most of the girls memento their teddy bear that her boyfriends gave them.
- Drugs should be illicit.
- I would like to ascend a building.
- Savory (A) - delicious
- Entice (V) -to tempt
- Tactless (A) (ADV) -insensitive
- Integrity (N) - self-worth / self respect
- Compensate (V) - to pay for services
- Aloof (A) (ADV) - disinterested / spaced out
- Goad (V) - to taunt
- Cohort (N) - friend
- Chocolate cake is savory.
- Sometimes I entice on doing something cool.
- The tactless guy asked the girl if she was pregnant and it end up that she wasn't.
- I have integrity on myself.
- Everyone compensate on working.
- Sometimes I get aloof in class
- Some people do cool goad.
- My cohort are so funny.
- Malignant (A) - Harmful
- Ornery (A) - Irritable / Cranky
- Indolent (ADV) - Lazy
- Belittle (V) - To insult or put down
- Jeopardize (V) - To put in danger
- Demise (N) - Downfall or death
- Awry (N) - Not according to plan
- Frugal (A) - cheap
- Nothing is more malignant than going to war.
- Teachers get ornery when students don't want to listen.
- Some people are so indolent when they been told to run.
- Bullies, all they so is belittle smaller kids than them.
- If you do something risky, you put yourself in jeopardize.
- I will never want to have my demise never.
- Some people do stuffs that is awry get in trouble.
- People want frugal electronics , but get worse if they buy it for a frugal price.
- inhibit (v) - to slow or stop something from happening.
- Aberrant (a) - usual / unexpected
- Loathe (v) - to hate
- Prowess (n) - exceptional skill or ability
- Incoherent (a) - unable to be understood
- epitah (n)- headstone or whaft written there
- elaborate (a) - having many details or steps
- countenance(n)- face
- Sometimes we have to inhibit bad stuffs.
- There is always something coming aberrent.
- I loathe when chargers lose in a game.
- Rivers qb in chargers has prowess in throwing.
- Some people are hard to incoherent.
- In Halloween i'm expecting to see epitah everywhere.
- Notes is elaborate.
- I see countenance everywhere and easy to recognize.