Friday, November 15, 2013

Literature Analysis # 2

       In the book The Lost Star by H.M Hoover i learn there is always something to be scare of i find this ironic. Lian discovers some creatures that she hasn’t never seen in her life also she gets scared and this took place in the wild where there is wild animals too or creatures that people haven’t seen only heard about it in stories. A young scientist . smart but questioning her place in universe.A crash on an extra-terrestrial. Also the things she sees is not the same as what she knows. This book is science fiction. I think the author did this kind of them on the character to make her stand out and what she does on her young age. I think the author chose to write about this because it brings attention to readers.I chose this book because the summary on the back brought my attention. the first 2 pages were interesting so i kept on reading this book. I didn’t find the book realistic because it talks about extra-terrestrial. Yes i made connections on the static character because she is brave and willing to do anything. To get what she wants. The author’s tone is science, deaths, and man vs creature. This book has literary elements was foreshadowing on page 94, flashbacks on page 67, ironic when she see lands close to the extra-terrestrial, and thats pretty much it of the elements.
         The character is brave and smart. At first she is cared and then when she gets the hang of it she gets used to it and doesn’t get scared that much. The character is dynamic because she grows to be smarter and brave at what she is doing. From the beginning the character Lian was a different character but at the end of the book she has changed and i feel like a met a different character.
         Two ideas from this book is to take precaution and be safe. My two idea is to be smart on doing something and have courage to do something that is good as well. Also i will remember this for a long time because you need these ideas to be in a good life. My importance is that never stop trying on being good in life and to try something new. I mean a lot of people may have courage that other people don’t have and they could be smart or could study on being smart that way you could know alot of things that most people don’t know.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Persepolis Essay


       Johan Bennett thinks the novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrap should be banned from the public 

schools.He thinks it should be banned because it contains suicide,sex,drugs,deaths, and killing in this 

book. In my opinion is that he don't know how their life might be like. Sooner or later the students are 

going to realize how life really. (9,6). This book is a great book to read!

       For example they might grow older and start getting how things are in life. They might have the 

knowledge to know how things are by the age they read this. It could prepare them if they have to 

struggle in life making something out of their life. Also they might have already been through what the 

book is saying about the author's life. Also the real world is full of people judging, talking crap, and 


       Another example is that what if they want to know how people's life are in Iran. This book is  

great for that. They could find what they need, also compare it to their life. They could know how 

things work out. On page 53, panel 9 you could see how god was there to help and they might do the 

same. To know whats good and bad.

      Finally is that the book shows how not to live life. Also there is challenges in life and this helps on 

how learn from the mistakes she made. To never give up even though thing don't come the way you 

want it. Struggle is real and it happens to everyone. This shows the right way to be in life.

      So this book shouldn't be ban. Bennett showed good reasons, but then kids don't stay kids they 

grow fast. Also they will get how life can be a struggle. I personally think that this book is great to 

read! In that case it should not be banned. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

vocab # 10 definitions and sentences

  1. Bemoan(v)- to complain about
  2. Pensive (n)- deep in thought
  3. Devoid (a) - entirely without
  4. Melancholy (a) - sad / emo
  5. Mollify (v)- to calm
  6. Memento (n)- a keepsake or souvenir
  7. illicit (a) - illegal 
  8. Ascend (v) - to climb / to go up
  1. I hate when little kids bemoan about little things
  2. So many students in class they go pensive about something.
  3. It'll suck devoid your things.
  4. Students get so melancholy when they don't have what they want.
  5. People need to mollify.
  6. Most of the girls memento their teddy bear that her boyfriends gave them.
  7. Drugs should be illicit.
  8. I would like to ascend a building.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

vocab # 9 definition and sentences

  1. Savory (A) - delicious
  2. Entice (V) -to tempt
  3. Tactless (A) (ADV) -insensitive
  4. Integrity (N) - self-worth / self respect
  5. Compensate (V) - to pay for services
  6. Aloof (A) (ADV) - disinterested / spaced out
  7. Goad (V) - to taunt
  8. Cohort (N) - friend
  1. Chocolate cake is savory.
  2. Sometimes I entice on doing something cool.
  3. The tactless guy asked the girl if she was pregnant and it end up that she wasn't.
  4. I have integrity on myself. 
  5. Everyone compensate on working.
  6. Sometimes I get aloof in class
  7. Some people do cool goad.
  8. My cohort are so funny.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Vocab # 8 Definitions and Sentences

  1. Malignant (A) - Harmful
  2. Ornery (A) - Irritable / Cranky
  3. Indolent (ADV) - Lazy
  4. Belittle (V) - To insult or put down
  5. Jeopardize (V) - To put in danger
  6. Demise (N) - Downfall or death
  7. Awry (N) - Not according to plan
  8. Frugal (A) - cheap
  1. Nothing is more malignant than going to war.
  2. Teachers get ornery when students don't want to listen.
  3. Some people are so indolent when they been told to run.
  4. Bullies, all they so is belittle smaller kids than them.
  5. If you do something risky,  you put yourself in jeopardize.
  6. I will never want to have my demise never.
  7. Some people do stuffs that is awry get in trouble. 
  8. People want frugal electronics , but get worse if they buy it for a frugal price.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

vocab # 7 defintions and sentences

  1. inhibit (v) - to slow or stop something from happening.
  2.  Aberrant (a) - usual / unexpected
  3. Loathe (v) - to hate
  4. Prowess (n) -  exceptional skill or ability 
  5. Incoherent (a) - unable to be understood
  6. epitah (n)- headstone or whaft written there
  7. elaborate (a) - having many details or steps
  8. countenance(n)- face
  1. Sometimes we have to inhibit bad stuffs.
  2. There is always something coming aberrent.
  3. I loathe when chargers lose in a game.
  4. Rivers qb in chargers has prowess in throwing.
  5. Some people are hard to incoherent.
  6. In Halloween i'm expecting to see epitah everywhere.
  7. Notes is elaborate.
  8. I see countenance everywhere and easy to recognize.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Monkey’s Paw

   1. If you had three wishes, what would they be?  Why?  (No wishing for more wishes.)  Explain each response.  
 If I had three wishes , they're going to be , to be rich so i could go buying stuffs without budget. 
Also to make me lucky, that way i will be lucky at everything. The last wish i would like to have super powers lol that way I can be the only one with great skills.

        2. Is there anything that you are superstitious about?  Explain.  (If not, explain why not.)

 I'm not superstitious because it would be a long time from now to be rich also about having good luck thats just an one thing that comes all of a sudden. Also about having superpowers aha that wont happen , hope for the future though.